About the Kelsey Foundation
Forest and Ruth Kelsey firmly believed that it was important for one to give back to their community in whatever way possible, and they did this all their lives. Since both of them believed that attaining a good education was the basic foundation to enable one to be a “successful” individual and “give back” to their community, what better way for them to pay it forward than to establish a trust primarily designed for education? In 1999 Mr. Kelsey’s dream became a reality and the F.C. and Ruth V. Kelsey Foundation was established.
For the Kelsey's, Grays Harbor was the best place to live and work (although Kelsey said he “never worked a day in his life. He enjoyed every minute of it!”). They traveled to many places throughout the world, and had opportunity to go work in other places, but Montesano and Grays Harbor, where he and Ruth loved to be. Grays Harbor was good to him, and he always wanted to “repay” the Harbor. They were always supporters of the kids and young people and quietly helped many get a start in life, so offering folks the opportunity of getting a good education was a natural for him. He always said, “if you can just get a kid into college, he/she will find a way to achieve their goal”.
Educational scholarships continue to be the primary focus of the Foundation, but there have been many grants awarded to non-profit 501-c-3 organizations whose goal is community enrichment and grants to many school projects and programs.According to the wishes of Mr. Kelsey, the Foundation is overseen by the Caldwell and Hliboki families and will continue to be in the years to come.
Although we do not seek out donations to the Foundation, donors are always welcome to contribute to the Foundation.